Dartmouth Royal Regatta Sailing Week 2015 Photography
Paul Gibbins Photography
This years event has been covered by Paul Gibbins who specialises in Maratime Event Photography
For more images from PGC photography, click here.
Junior Dinghies
Please click here for a selection of photographs of Junior Dinghy racing on the River Dart taken by Mike Green. Contact through Dartmouth Sailing Week Office: info@dartmouthsailingweek.com
Prizegiving Photographs
2018 Wednesday Racing Prizegiving
Sunday 1st September
Photographs taken by Mike Wynne-Powell
Images can be accessed using the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/55776662@N08/albums/72157700500102234
A limited selection are available currently but these will be added to over the next few weeks.