Dartmouth Royal Regatta Sailing Week 2014 Photography
Junior Dinghy Regatta at Royal Dart YC
Racing in Start Bay
Senior Dinghy Regatta at Dittisham
Senior Dinghy Regatta at Dittisham
Dartmouth Royal Regatta Sailing Week 2016 was lucky to have several photographers out recording the action during the racing in Start Bay and on the River Dart. Please click on the links below to access each photographer’s gallery. On the web links you can find details if you wish to purchase any prints.
Peter Newton Photography
For a selection of photographs of the main regatta taken by Peter Newton Photography in Start Bay please contact Peter Newton directly. Further details at www.peternewtonphotography.com or direct contact peter.newton@me.com
Senior Dinghies
Please click here for a selection of photographs of Senior Dinghy racing on the River Dart at Dittisham taken by Oliver Hayes (copyright Cre8ivtouch Design & Photography) If you would like a high resolution version or even a printed copy, then please comment on the photo. In you comment please leave your name and email address and a little note saying what you would like and Oliver will get back to you. Contact: oliverhayes@me.com
Junior Dinghies
Please click here for a selection of photographs of Junior Dinghy racing on the River Dart taken by Mike Green. Contact through Dartmouth Sailing Week Office: info@dartmouthsailingweek.com
Video clips
Thank you SkyworX Media for this clip of Dartmouth Royal Regatta 2017 which includes some great shots of the racing in Start Bay – please click here